:::lotta smooch:::Saturday, June 8, 2002
Saturday, June 08, 2002 Shall we begin? Day One A little after midnight and day one of the Ayurvedic based detox begins. I’ve yet to go to the organic market for my supplies but plan on getting an early start tomorrow. I’ve already found and explored Sevananda Natural Food Market. It boggles me to think every single item in the store is organically based. I’ve never really enjoyed grocery shopping but look forward to exploring this market more.
:::lotta smooch:::Thursday, June 6, 2002
Thursday, June 06, 2002 Shall we begin? Detox Experiment #1 – Let’s yoga baby: Ayurvedic(pronounced eye-yer-vay-duh) is the world’s oldest recorded healing system orginating in India. Detoxification is a cornerstone of Ayurvedic medicine.There are two main forms of Ayurvedic detoxification. The first is called Shamana which uses herbs, oils, and therapeutic foods. The second is Pancha Karma, a stronger method using massage and sweating therapy. Each person’s emotional and body type are classified as doshas. All people have vata, pitta, and kapha doshas but usually one is dominant: vata – air and space elements. You are thin, tall, and wiry with a prominent bone structure and a darkish complexion. Out…
[f(requently) a(sked) q(uestions).] – v.1
[f(requently) a(sked) q(uestions).] | v.linkà | tr.v.ar·chivà Why? My experimentations with detoxification, fasting, cleansing, herbal use, organic food, new ideas, wewewewewewewew all the way home…. Webmaiden? My name is ls. I am 40 going on 21. I live in Atlanta, Georgia. My e-mail address is fah_q@bellsouth.net. Website?I am the keeper of lottasmooch.com as well as misschicky.com. I also run Fried Chicken and Coffee – a Nashville Pussy fansite. I have two desktop computers, both Sony Vaios, and a MAC I-Book laptop that I bought because I thought it was cute. I rarely use it.I make graphics using Adobe Photoshop. I pretty much create the design and graphics but sometimes I…
v.linkà – v.1
[f(requently) a(sked) q(uestions).] | v.linkà | tr.v.ar·chivà Ayurvedic Detox Experiment #1 General Information Everyday Tips Resources & ExplanationsHealthy LivingEveryday Solutions Books Detoxification The Miracle of Fasting Recipes Vegetable juices for detoxification Total Vegetarian Recipes This website issued and granted on June 1, 2002. © lottasmooch.com ~ post restored on 2/11/2017