[f(requently) a(sked) q(uestions).] – v.1
My experimentations with detoxification, fasting, cleansing,
herbal use, organic food, new ideas, wewewewewewewew all the way home…. Webmaiden? My name is ls. I am 40 going on 21. I live in Atlanta, Georgia.
My e-mail address is Website?I am the keeper of lottasmooch.com as well as misschicky.com. I also run Fried Chicken and Coffee – a Nashville Pussy fansite. I have two desktop computers, both Sony Vaios, and a MAC I-Book laptop that I bought because I thought it was cute. I rarely use it.I make graphics using Adobe Photoshop. I pretty much create the design and graphics but sometimes I find something I must borrow like the peaceful bong. It’s been in my “art collection” for sometime now and I just wish I knew the artist so I could thank them wildly.I don’t know who made the little purple haired smooch doll. I adopted her a long time ago. No I don’t have purple hair. I’m blonde. But you can rest assured whatever lips you come across are mine. They started here and ended up at lottasmooch. I use a combination of Cool Page and Blogger to publish this site. I designed it to be viewed best by me so what you see is what you get. This website issued and granted on June 1, 2002. Shall we begin?
Detoxification: Say the word detox and most people will think cigarettes, alcohol, drugs. But detoxification is also a process that occurs within our bodies constantly. But sometimes our bodies can be overwhelmed by the toxic food, medications,
additives, and chemicals we consume. [more] Detoxification basics:
There can be as much as 15 extra pounds of mucous in your body that holds foreign substance and waste. That alone was enough to convince me. Eww. You should detox at least 3 times per year with each fast lasting last 3 to 7 days. Juice fasting is recommended over total water fasting. The three steps of detoxification:
#1 – Elimination. Cleaning out of the mucous and toxins in your major organs. Drink 8 glass of pure water each day in addition to your juices. #2 – Restore Energy. Return to solid food by eating only fresh foods. Low in fat and very little dairy other than yogurt and cottage cheese. No fried food! Ever again. No alcohol, caffeine, tobacco, or sugar. No meat except sea foods. Personalized herbal aids and supplements. #3 – Maintain. A diet consisting of fresh organic fruits and vegetables, raw and cooked, grains and seeds for strength, sea foods, soy foods, eggs, and low fat cheeses. Personalized herbal aids and supplements. Apple Cider Vinegar: Three times a day, when you get up and one hour before lunch and dinner mix two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar in 8 ounces of water and sip away. |
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